•  01/04/2017 00:00

In most countries, dialysis is used to lower down high creatinine level and alleviate its discomforts. However, after dialysis, creatinine level is still high. What is the reason? And is there any treatment to deal with this problem? First, why creatinine level is still high after dialysis?

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

However, when people are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), they are careful with the food. So is octocup good for CKD patients? First, let’s know some nutrients in octopus. 1. High in iron Octopus is naturally high in iron. This mineral is a carrier of oxygen and transports oxygen to cells, tissues and vital organs. In this condition, octopus can relieve anemia in CKD to some extent.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

Here we tell you proper diet in IgA Nephropathy patients to reduce their kidney burden. 1. Low salt, low fat, high fiber, moderate fluid, moderate sugar and moderate protein Proteinuria can make you lose some protein and calcium. You can increase your protein and calcium through eating eggs, drinking milk, eating lean meat and fish. Staple food should be rice and pasta. However, you are not suggested to take beans because there are high levels of purine base and low quality of plant protein. Vegetables and fruits are the main source of vitamin and microelements. This can also help remove toxins in kidney patients.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

Protein which is good for kidney patients includes: 1. Meat Kidney failure patients should limit protein intake. Because protein in your body can produce some nitrogen wastes and these nitrogen wastes will be excreted out of your body via urine. It does not mean you can not eat meat. On the contrary, meat, eggs and milk contain high biological value of protein which is easily absorbed by human body. Animal protein contains much essential amino acid and has high bioavailability.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

Diet can do some help for MCD patients. However, diet is only a suporting therapy and it is not enough to treat MCD radically. Apart from diet therapy, the key point for MCD is Toxin-Removing Treatment which includes a series of Chinese medicine therapies such as Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

Generally it is ok for CKD patients to eat grits. Besides, the following is a general guide for people who have kidney disease. 1. Get the right amount of protein Eating too much protein can burden your kidneys. But if you do not get enough, you can become weak, tired, and more likely to get infections. Thus, it is important for you to get right amount of protein. Limit high protein foods to 5 to 7 ounces a day or less. High protein foods include meat, poultry, seafood and eggs. Milk, milk products, beans, nuts, breads, pastas, cereals and vegetables also contain protein.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

Are instant grits ok for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)? Grits are nutritious foods. Generally, it is ok for CKD patients to eat grits. 1. Fiber in grits Grits contain fiber which promotes satiety, help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and promote a healthy digestive system. In this way, constipation in kidney patients can be relieved.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

Creatinine level 9 is really high and timely treatment is necessary. Well, what treatment can reduce high creatinine 9? 1. Dialysis Dialysis is the most common treatment for lowering down high creatinine level. It is an artificial kidney which helps injured kidneys to discharge excess wastes out. High creatinine level usually gets down after dialysis. But creatinine level often elevates again because dialysis can not repair damaged kidneys. If you want to bring down your creatinine level radically, you need to repair your kidneys and improve your renal function. The following are some Chinese medicine treatments to improve your kidney function and reduce your elevated creatinine level radically.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

-Stay away from red meat Meat is a source of creatinine. When your kidneys fail to work adequately, you should reduce meat intake so as to decrease the production of creatinine. But as we all know, meat is a kind of protein. Our body needs protein to maintain its normal function. Therefore, you had better choose some other protein to eat, such as egg white and milk.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

However, when kidneys are damaged, creatinine will build up in your body, causing high creatinine level. Creatinine level does not increase until at least half of kidney function has been damaged. Thus, once your creatinine level is increasing, it has been a serious condition.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

-Control your symptoms Some symptoms such as high blood pressure and proteinuria can cause further kidney damage if you can not control them timely. If you are with these symptoms, you should take medications timely to bring them under control timely.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

because it indicates that your kidneys are damaged severely. Here we introduce some traditional and natural ways to improve your creatinine level. Hope they can help you.

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