However, when kidneys are damaged, creatinine will build up in your body, causing high creatinine level. Creatinine level does not increase until at least half of kidney function has been damaged. Thus, once your creatinine level is increasing, it has been a serious condition.
In western countries, the doctor only recommends dialysis for patients once their creatinine level increases. There are no other ways for kidney problems in their countries. Dialysis is their only treatment. However, in China, dialysis is just an adjuvant therapy. The main therapy is Chinese medicine treatment.
Different from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we create some advanced and unique Chinese medicine therapies such as Medicated Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Foot Bath, Medicated Bath, Steaming Therapy, Enema Therapy and Medicinal Soup, etc. Some can make use of your skin to remove wastes and toxins. Some can give you a good bowel movement, which can expel some wastes out. And some can increase your urine, with which some wastes can be discharged from your body. Our Chinese medicines cleanse your blood through different aspects. Besides, Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation, prevent inflammation and coagulation, degrade extracellular matrix and provide nutrients. In this way, more blood, oxygen andnutrients will be transported to your nidus. With a period of treatment, injured kidney tissues can be repaired and renal function can be improved gradually. Thus, high creatinine level 5.9 will be reduced from the root. Online kidney doctor