However, when people are suffering from Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), they are careful with the food. So is octocup good for CKD patients?
First, let’s know some nutrients in octopus.
1. High in iron
Octopus is naturally high in iron. This mineral is a carrier of oxygen and transports oxygen to cells, tissues and vital organs. In this condition, octopus can relieve anemia in CKD to some extent.
2. Vitamin B-12
Octopus exceeds your daily requirement of vitamin B-12. This vitamin is essential for metabolism, creating new red blood cells and supporting everyday brain function. This can also treat anemia and also boost immunity.
3. Protect your heart health
Octopus contains omage-3 which is an important nutrient that can decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer and depression.
From the above, we can see octopus is good for CKD patients. However, not all kidney patients can eat octopus. Potassium and phosphorus is high in octopus so if you have high potassium or phosphorus level, you should not eat too much octopus. Generally speaking, CKD patients should eat food based on their specific condition. Online kidney doctor