•  03/04/2017 00:00

which can help them get more effective results. Some consult us if red millet is ok for them. In view of this question, here we will give a specific and scientific answer for you. You need to have a knowledge of red millet in the first place. Contents of red millet. Starch, fats, vitamins, protein, Inorganic salts and trace elements What is more, red millet has not only rich nutrients, but also has high medical properties. 1. It can help enhance immunity, and lower high blood pressure. 2. It can help promote blood circulation and expand blood vessels. 3. It can prevent occurrence of heart disease. 4. It can control high cholesterol level.

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  •  01/04/2017 00:00

High creatinine 1100, a very dangerous sign in renal patients. Normal serum creatinine level is 54-106 umol/L for male, and 44-97 umol/L for female, then we can know high creatinine 1100 is much higher than normal level. It means your renal disease has developed into end stage, and there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood leading to blood pollution, which can cause severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin itching, fatigue and weakness, and so on. Dialysis is suggested, because it is the quickest way to lower high creatinine level. But you need to take it regularly since it cant restore kidney function.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

-Stay away from red meat Meat is a source of creatinine. When your kidneys fail to work adequately, you should reduce meat intake so as to decrease the production of creatinine. But as we all know, meat is a kind of protein. Our body needs protein to maintain its normal function. Therefore, you had better choose some other protein to eat, such as egg white and milk.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

However, when kidneys are damaged, creatinine will build up in your body, causing high creatinine level. Creatinine level does not increase until at least half of kidney function has been damaged. Thus, once your creatinine level is increasing, it has been a serious condition.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats high creatinine level from repairing kidney damage and improving renal function. This is the radical treatment for elevated creatinine level.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

Dialysis and kidney transplant are two common treatments for kidney failure. Of course, they are not the only treatments. Well then, how can a renal failure patient access treatment other than dialysis and kidney transplant?

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

As its name suggests, Toxin-Removing Treatment cleanses toxins out to provide a clean blood environment for recovering renal function and the application of other medication for kidneys. Chinese medicines in Toxin-Removing Treatment can cleanse toxins out via urine, bowel movement and skin sweats. Besides, Toxin-Removing Treatment includes many therapies like Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Medicinal Soup and Steaming Therapy, etc. Different condition will be given different therapy. When the patient comes to our hospital, the patient needs to first take an exact diagnosis. An exact diagnosis is important for the following treatment. No exact diagnosis is easy to cause mistreatment.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

You may have been recommended by your doctor to take dialysis when you suffer from stage 4 kidney failure but you reject dialysis. Then, is there any remedy for you to avoid dialysis?

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  •  25/03/2017 01:06

Compared with various medicines, CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) stage 4 patients would like to improve their renal function naturally.Natural Cure for CKD Stage 4 Well then, what is natural cure for stage 4 CKD?

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  •  25/03/2017 00:00

Can Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Reverse Stage 3 CKDYes stage 3 CKD can be reversed by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Stage 3 CKD indicates moderate kidney damage. Symptoms may begin to become present in stage 3 like fatigue, fluid retention, shortness of breath, urination changes, kidney pain felt in their back and muscle cramps.

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  •  25/03/2017 00:00

GFR is an indicator of kidney function, from which we can know how well your kidneys are working. As we all know, with the progression of chronic kidney disease, GFR becomes lower and lower. What to do? Here let’s have a look at treatment for low GFR.

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