•  27/03/2017 00:00

because it indicates that your kidneys are damaged severely. Here we introduce some traditional and natural ways to improve your creatinine level. Hope they can help you.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

Is 8cm kidney cyst dangerous for you? The size of a healthy kidney is 10-12cm long, 5-6cm wide and 120-150g weight. 8cm kidney cyst is able to replace the healthy nephrons, thus leading to decline of renal function. Thus, 8cm kidney cyst is really dangerous condition. With its development, the secretion of cystic fluid will continue to increase. Thus, the surrounding renal tissues will be oppressed by enlarged kidney cyst and various symptoms like back pain, blood in urine and infection will occur.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

Although kidney failure can not be cured completely, it can still be managed well and patients live a normal life with it by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is to stop the process of renal fibrosis, repair injured kidney intrinsic cells and recover kidney structure and kidney function by expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation and coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix. Micro-Chinese medicine is to micronze Chinese medicines so that the effective substances in Chinese medicines can be fully absorbed and the efficacy is greatly improved.

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  •  27/03/2017 00:00

Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats high creatinine level from repairing kidney damage and improving renal function. This is the radical treatment for elevated creatinine level.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

Dialysis and kidney transplant are two common treatments for kidney failure. Of course, they are not the only treatments. Well then, how can a renal failure patient access treatment other than dialysis and kidney transplant?

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

As its name suggests, Toxin-Removing Treatment cleanses toxins out to provide a clean blood environment for recovering renal function and the application of other medication for kidneys. Chinese medicines in Toxin-Removing Treatment can cleanse toxins out via urine, bowel movement and skin sweats. Besides, Toxin-Removing Treatment includes many therapies like Medicated Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Medicinal Soup and Steaming Therapy, etc. Different condition will be given different therapy. When the patient comes to our hospital, the patient needs to first take an exact diagnosis. An exact diagnosis is important for the following treatment. No exact diagnosis is easy to cause mistreatment.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

As many of you have experienced, muscle cramps are a common complication during dialysis treatments. Here we recommend Toxin-Removing Therapy to stop cramping after dialysis.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

Can kidney disease be cured sucessfully without dialysis? Many patients want to treat kidney disease naturally instead of dialysis. Here our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital recommends Toxin-Removing Treatment to manage kidney disease with no dialysis.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

What is the reason of creatinine level 9.2 even after dialysis? Many patients consult us about this question. The main reason is dialysis does not repair injured kidney tissues and improve your renal function. Thus, creatinine level will elevate again after dialysis.

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

You may have been recommended by your doctor to take dialysis when you suffer from stage 4 kidney failure but you reject dialysis. Then, is there any remedy for you to avoid dialysis?

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  •  25/03/2017 01:19

Chronic kidney disease is a progressive progress in which renal functions will be gradually lost and CKD usually develops over months or even years. It is often much easier to develop a disease than to cure a disease, therefore we can see that it is not easy to cure CKD and usually the treatment course requires a long time.

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  •  25/03/2017 01:06

Compared with various medicines, CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) stage 4 patients would like to improve their renal function naturally.Natural Cure for CKD Stage 4 Well then, what is natural cure for stage 4 CKD?

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