Popcorn is puffed food and very popular snacks, which contains salt,cream,caramel,and many nutrients like dietary fiber, folic acid,zinc,copper,iron. For people with chronic kidney disease, as their kidney function can not work very well and much sodium can not be filtered, sodium will stack in body. Salt contains sodium, which can aggravate that condition. In addition, there is something wrong with kidney of patients with CKD filtering blood, which makes blood glucose level high, so they should avoid taking in much sugar. And cream has much fat and cholesterol, increasing lots of burden for kidney. However, many vitamins in popcorn do good to patients with kidney disease, and protein value is very low, making no harm to patients with kidney disease. Hence, if chronic kidney disease develops seriously, popcorn should be avoided strictly. People who have slight kidney disease can eat some popcorn moderately. Besides, patients with kidney disease had better avoid most of puffed food in daily life.
Read More1. Low-salt diet Foods low in salt are recommended for stage 3 kidney disease patients, because eating too much salt not only elevates their blood pressure which is very harmful for our kidneys, but also add extra burden on kidney. Therefore, a low-salt diet is always recommended. 2. High quality protein Foods with high quality protein can be included in daily diet for stage 3 kidney disease patients. Different from general protein, high quality protein can be fully consumed in our body. The end product of protein is urea nitrogen which needs to be removed by kidney. High quality protein can provide us with essential amino acid and meanwhile produce less urea nitrogen, which is beneficial for kidney. In our daily diet, foods with high quality protein include lean meat, egg white, milk and fish. 3. Adjust the intake of microelement like potassium, phosphorus and calcium Healthy kidneys help to maintain electrolyte balance. However, for stage 3 kidney disease patients, their kidneys are damaged and damaged kidneys can not do this job well. As a result, electrolyte disorder appears easily. The most common electrolyte imbalance in stage 3 kidney disease are hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcemia. Therefore, potassium intake and phosphorus intake are usually limited. In addition, stage 3 kidney disease patients may suffer from electrolyte imbalance problem and they need to make diet changes according to their specific condition.
Read MoreMuskmelon benefits kidney disease patients in following ways: 1. Muskmelon is super rich in vitamin C and it strengthens immune system, which helps to reduce risk for various ailments like cold and infection. 2. Muskmelon is high in dietary fiber which helps to prevent or relief constipation. 3. Owing to its high water content, muskmelon is a good kidney cleaner. 4. It helps to treat urinary tract infection and kidney infection. 5. It can keep our body dehydrated. We know severe dehydration is a common cause of kidney problem.
Read MoreCKD is an illness regarding kidney, but if not controlled well, it will develop to kidney failure stage and at that time, every part of our body might be involved. Improper diet plan will add extra burden on kidney, which is very bad for kidney. Therefore, it is necessary for CKD patients to be careful about what they eat. Pitaya is a very great fruit which benefits CKD patients in some ways, so it can be consumed in moderation by CKD sufferers. Benefits of pitaya on CKD patients: -Pitaya is rich in water-soluble dietary fiber and it helps to prevent constipation, reduce cholesterol and reduce risk for colorectal cancer. -Pitaya contains while vitamin c which is very good for our skin. -Anthocyanin contained by pitaya is able to prevent vascular sclerosis, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases like heart problem and cerebral stroke. -Pitaya is also a fruit with abundant iron. For this reason, it is a good food option to prevent anemia.
Read MoreWe say it is kidney shrinkage when kidneys get smaller in size. This is an abnormal kidney condition which needs us to attach importance to it. Kidneys fail to function properly when they get small, so the following diet suggestions should be considered in such a case: -low salt diet: low-salt diet is always recommended no matter we have kidney shrinkage or not, because a high-salt diet not only add extra burden on kidney, but also elevates blood pressure, which is very harmful for kidney. -high quality protein: foods with high quality protein like lean meat, egg, fish and milk are good food option when kidneys get small. - Vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onion, red bell peppers are super foods for kidney heath. -fruits like apples, blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, and strawberries are also good option for good health. Diet changes are necessary when kidneys get small, but we can not get this problem solved fundamentally just by changing diet habits. To get real recovery, medical treatment is imperative.
Read MoreDrinking baking soda is an effective way to treat gout. Patients with too much gastric acid also can drink baking soda. In addition, Patients with CKD may have the symptom of high uric acid level. Baking soda can help kidney to remove uric acid out of body by alkalifying. So, patients can drink soda to alleviate uric acid level. However, is baking soda good for patients with CKD? No, not exactly. Baking soda can reduce uric acid but can not balance the pH value in blood. As the list of ingredients show, soda contains lots of microelement, however, microelement in soda can’t be observed. It is not good for normal people to drink baking soda for a long time, not to mention CKD patients. What’s more, baking soda contains much sodium which is very harmful for patients with high blood pressure and edema.
Read MoreBlack fungus contains the following elements: Protein, carbohydrate, crude fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin. The protein it contains is as much as meat, 30~70 time of calcium that of meat. What’s more, black fungus contains much vitamin B2 which is higher than rice, meat and vegetables. Good effects of black fungus: 1. Regulate blood sugar level and blood lipid. 2. Inhibit platelet aggregation, and antithrombus 3. Improve immunity 4. Have benefits to anti-aging and antitumor activity 5. Improve myocardial ischemia 6. Help Anti ulcer and anti radiation 7. Be good for beauty 8. Speed up metabolism
Read MoreWe need to understand noodle. Flour is made from grain, and noodle is made of flour. It has the below: Calorie, Thiamine, P, Zin, Protein, Riboflavin, Potassium, Selenium, Manganese, Dietary fiber, Calcium, Iron. Patients with kidney disease are not suggested to eat noodles, even should avoid it strictly in daily life. High potassium and much protein in noodles is very harmful for kidney disease patients, which can make kidney condition deteriorate. In addition, tomato sauce is also rich in potassium and salt. Patients with kidney disease should have a low salt, potassium and phosphorus and protein diet. Much sugar can do harm to patients with diabetes in kidney disease. It is very hard for patients with kidney disease to choose proper food, but it is very necessary and important to choose right ones. You should consult your doctor first or leave a message for us, we will reply you as soon as possible in detail according to your conditions.
Read MoreAs we all know, high creatinine level can be reduced to certain extent with proper treatment. But is it possible to reduce creatinine level 4.5 to normal condition? If you have high creatinine and want to normalize it, read on. It is difficult to reduce creatinine level 4.5 to normal condition.
Read MoreWithout dialysis, high creatinine level can also be reduced. A patient’s elevated creatinine level 1121umol/L in our hospital is reduced to 737umol/L with our special Chinese medicine treatments. How does high creatinine level occur?
Read MoreHigh creatinine 1100, a very dangerous sign in renal patients. Normal serum creatinine level is 54-106 umol/L for male, and 44-97 umol/L for female, then we can know high creatinine 1100 is much higher than normal level. It means your renal disease has developed into end stage, and there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood leading to blood pollution, which can cause severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin itching, fatigue and weakness, and so on. Dialysis is suggested, because it is the quickest way to lower high creatinine level. But you need to take it regularly since it cant restore kidney function.
Read MoreWithout dialysis, you can also lower down high creatinine level 406 to 203umol/L. The therapy is mainly Chinese medicine which lowers high creatinine level through repairing your kidney damage and improving renal function. This is the radical treatment for elevated creatinine level.
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