11 Apr

Kidney is an important organ of the human body and has the function of producing urine, discharging metabolic waste and toxins, maintaining moisture, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine function. Any damage to kidneys leads to excessive accumulation of waste and various obstacles and imbalances in the body. Nephropathy is often difficult to treat, and easy to relapse, if untreated or inappropriate treatment will gradually develop into renal failure and cause a series of sometimes life-threatening symptoms and complications, very early and appropriate treatment for disease progression slowing, reverse kidney damage and restore function Kidneys.

How to get recovery from high creatinine levels? After reading this article, you will find out the answer.

First of all, you should lower high creatinine level.

High creatinine level means toxin concentration in blood is very high, which can damage your kidneys further. Therefore, it is necessary for you to cleanse the blood. Actually dialysis is not the only way to lower high creatinine level. You can try Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is a characteristic treatment of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. It takes advantage of your urination, stool and sweat to discharge a lot of waste products out of body. After about one week’s treatment, there will be floccules in urine. And after about half month’s treatment, your creatinine level will decrease at least 10%.

Second, you should restore kidney function.

Only when your kidneys regain their function can creatinine be removed out of body naturally. Toxin-Removing Treatment can not only cleanse the blood, but also activate blood circulation and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney function will increase. To reinforce the effect and make it better, you should keep on treatment for a long period of time. With treatment going on, your creatinine level will go down and be stabilized into a range. Because your kidneys have been severely damaged, it is difficult for you to get complete recovery from high creatinine level. What you can do is to regain some kidney function.

Here you can find traditional and up-to-date treatment, Chinese and Western therapy, conservative  treatment, and medical trends in the treatment of kidney disease. You can choose the most appropriate treatment based on the specific disease and physical condition, if you are interested in our natural remedies for traditional Chinese medicine, please leave your contact information in time , or add our whatsapp/viber/wechat :008615931093124. Send your correct contact (country code + phone) and your question to us , We can help you improve kidney function recovery and I am Dr. Leo.

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