•  11/04/2017 00:00

How to get recovery from high creatinine levels? After reading this article, you will find out the answer. First of all, you should lower high creatinine level. High creatinine level means toxin concentration in blood is very high, which can damage your kidneys further. Therefore, it is necessary for you to cleanse the blood. Actually dialysis is not the only way to lower high creatinine level. You can try Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is a characteristic treatment of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. It takes advantage of your urination, stool and sweat to discharge a lot of waste products out of body. After about one week’s treatment, there will be floccules in urine. And after about half month’s treatment, your creatinine level will decrease at least 10%.

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  •  11/04/2017 00:00

Should dialysis start with creatinine 9.75? In this article, let’s have a discussion. In general, dialysis is recommended when creatinine level is as high as 6-7mg/dL. But whether you start it or not depends on your conditions. If you do not have any discomforts, dialysis can be put off. But if you feel very uncomfortable, for example, you have headache, nausea, vomiting, skin itch and so on, you may have to start dialysis as early as possible. Now your creatinine level is 9.75, which is much higher than the normal range. It does not only your kidneys have been severely damaged, but also toxin concentration in the blood is very high. In such a case, if you do not start dialysis, the polluted blood may cause damage to all your body systems, leading to uremia. Therefore, you had better cleanse the blood timely. Toxin-Removing Treatment to Lower Creatinine 9.75

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  •  26/03/2017 00:00

As many of you have experienced, muscle cramps are a common complication during dialysis treatments. Here we recommend Toxin-Removing Therapy to stop cramping after dialysis.

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