02 Apr

All my friends, I am a kidney doctor from China, you can call me Dr. Leo, kidney disease treatment is based on natural Chinese medicine therapy, better help patients with kidney disease in various countries.

However, for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients, eating nuts may worsen their conditions. Well then which nuts are good for CKD patients?

1. American almonds

The dietary fiber in American almond is very rich. Dietary fiber can help control blood sugar and alleviate constipation.

2. Pistachio nuts

Pistachio nuts have abundant vitamin B1. For low mood people, pistachio nuts can be considered as snacks to relieve their low mood.

3. Walnuts

Vitamin E content is richer than any other nuts. Vitamin E has powerful ability of eliminating free radicals, which can prevent chronic diseases and anti-aging.

4. Peanuts

Protein, minerals and vitamins in peanuts are abundant. Every day a handful of peanuts can meet your body need.

Some tips should be born in mind while patients eat nuts.

Although nuts are beneficial for CKD patients, there are still some tips you should bear in mind. Because the nuts usually contain sodium, phosphorus and potassium. If CKD patients have high blood pressure and severe swelling, they should not eat too much nuts, otherwise their conditions may be aggravated. Besides, high phosphorus level in blood will lead to bone problems, so if patients have phosphorus level in blood, they should limit nuts intake. Also CKD patients had better consult their doctors before eating nuts and making a change in their diet. Online kidney doctor

you want to know more about diet for CKD, please add  whatsapp / viber / wehcat: 008615931093124 or send an email to: treatmentkidneydisease@gmail.com or ask online doctor for help.

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