Kidney is an important organ of the human body and has the function of producing urine, discharging metabolic waste and toxins, maintaining moisture, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine function. Any damage to kidneys leads to excessive accumulation of waste and various obstacles and imbalances in the body. Nephropathy is often difficult to treat, and easy to relapse, if untreated or inappropriate treatment will gradually develop into renal failure and cause a series of sometimes life-threatening symptoms and complications, very early and appropriate treatment for disease progression slowing, reverse kidney damage and restore function Kidneys.
However, only diuretics is not enough for treating creatinine 2.2.
Effects of diuretics for creatinine 2.2
Diuretic is one of the most common medicines used to reduce high creatinine levels. There are so many types of diuretics, and you should choose what are suitable for you.
Long term or overdose of diuretic may cause some side effects such as high potassium levels, high serum calcium and may even cause further kidney damage. You should take this medicine under your doctor’s supervision. You can also consult our doctor online directly.
Other natural remedies to reduce creatinine 2.2
Since kidney is the organ filtering creatinine, the goal of treatment should be improving kidney function. In that case, I recommend you to take Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
The main function of TCM is to purify the blood by clearing up the immune complexes. Those waste products cause ischemia and anoxia of kidneys, and renal tissues start fibrosis. As long as the blood is clear, the whole blood circulation increases so that more wastes and toxins can be removed.
What’s more, with increased blood circulation, the kidneys can get enough blood volume and oxygen to repair the damaged renal tissues. Therefore, kidney function can be protected and enhanced. Then, creatinine 2.2 can be lowered naturally and effectively.
What traditional Chinese medicines are good for creatinine 2.2?
I cannot list all the herbs’ names since there are hundreds of types of traditional Chinese herbs. Based on these herbal medicines, we innovate several remedies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath and Steam Therapy, and so on.
Here you can find traditional and up-to-date treatment, Chinese and Western therapy, conservative treatment, and medical trends in the treatment of kidney disease. You can choose the most appropriate treatment based on the specific disease and physical condition, if you are interested in our natural remedies for traditional Chinese medicine, please leave your contact information in time , or add our whatsapp/viber :008615931093124. Send your correct contact (country code + phone) and your question to us , We can help you improve kidney function recovery and I am Dr. Leo.