Kidney is an important organ of the human body and has the function of producing urine, discharging metabolic waste and toxins, maintaining moisture, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine function. Any damage to kidneys leads to excessive accumulation of waste and various obstacles and imbalances in the body. Nephropathy is often difficult to treat, and easy to relapse, if untreated or inappropriate treatment will gradually develop into renal failure and cause a series of sometimes life-threatening symptoms and complications, very early and appropriate treatment for disease progression slowing, reverse kidney damage and restore function Kidneys.
His creatinine level is 800. The answser is yes. Our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can improve renal function without transplant.
The treatment in our hospital is Chinese Medicine Treatment. Our Chinese medicine treatments improve renal function through the following ways:
1. Repair injured kidney tissues
The active ingredients in Chinese medicines can expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation, remove blood clots and toxins out of the body. It can relieve renal ischemia-anoxia state so as to improve renal metabolism and repair injured kidney cells.
2. Improve renal function and GFR
Chinese medicines can provide more blood, oxygen and necessary nutrients for new renal cells to grow. In this way, it can rebuild kidney structure and improve renal function.
3. Lower high serum creatinine and BUN level
When renal function is improved, kidneys can excrete excess creatinine, BUN and other wastes from your bloodstream. High creatinine level and BUN level can be reduced from the root. No relapse will occur.
4. Improve immunity
Our Chinese medicines can also regulate immune disorder and improve your immunity. You will become more stronger. Autoimmune system diseases like IgA Nephropathy and Lupus Nephritis can be controlled well by Chinese medicine treatments.
5. Delay or even avoid dialysis and kidney transplant
When your own kidney function is improved, you have no need to take dialysis or kidney transplant.
Our Chinese medicine treatments include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Mai Kang Mixture, Moxibustion Therapy, Medicinal Soup, Medicated Full Bath and Steaming Therapy, etc. Different patient will be given different treatment. Usually patients need to take several treatments. All medicines in these therapies come from nature so you have no need to worry about the side effects. However, these therapies are only available in China so if you want to improve renal function without kidney transplant, you need to come to China for treatment. We can not help you if you do not come to China.
Here you can find traditional and up-to-date treatment, Chinese and Western therapy, conservative treatment, and medical trends in the treatment of kidney disease. You can choose the most appropriate treatment based on the specific disease and physical condition, if you are interested in our natural remedies for traditional Chinese medicine, please leave your contact information in time ,add our Email: or add WhatsApp/Viber/Wechat :008615931093124 ,Send your correct contact (country code + phone) and your kidney question to us , We can help you improve kidney function recovery and I am Dr. Leo.