High creatinine 1100, a very dangerous sign in renal patients. Normal serum creatinine level is 54-106 umol/L for male, and 44-97 umol/L for female, then we can know high creatinine 1100 is much higher than normal level. It means your renal disease has developed into end stage, and there are too much toxins and wastes building up in blood leading to blood pollution, which can cause severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, skin itching, fatigue and weakness, and so on. Dialysis is suggested, because it is the quickest way to lower high creatinine level. But you need to take it regularly since it cant restore kidney function.
Read MoreIf you have kidney cyst, you will experience certain symptoms like back pain, abdominal pain, fever, frequent urinary tract infection. People with kidney cyst in both kidneys, have greater risk for kidney stones leading to UTI. Drink cranberry juice between 300 and 750ml a day. Researchers find out that people who drink cranberry juice have fewer urinary tract infections than people who do not drink it. Frequent and untreated urinary tract infections may cause infection in the kidneys. Chronic kidney infection is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease. From this point of view, kidney cyst patients can drink cranberry juice to fight infection and avoid further kidney damage.
Read MoreDiet can do some help for MCD patients. However, diet is only a suporting therapy and it is not enough to treat MCD radically. Apart from diet therapy, the key point for MCD is Toxin-Removing Treatment which includes a series of Chinese medicine therapies such as Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Mai Kang Mixture, Medicinal Soup, Moxibustion Therapy and Steaming Therapy, etc.
Read MoreAlthough kidney failure can not be cured completely, it can still be managed well and patients live a normal life with it by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is to stop the process of renal fibrosis, repair injured kidney intrinsic cells and recover kidney structure and kidney function by expanding blood vessels, anti-inflammation and coagulation, degradation of extracellular matrix. Micro-Chinese medicine is to micronze Chinese medicines so that the effective substances in Chinese medicines can be fully absorbed and the efficacy is greatly improved.
Read MoreOur Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treats high creatinine level from repairing kidney damage and improving renal function. This is the radical treatment for elevated creatinine level.
Read MoreCan Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Reverse Stage 3 CKDYes stage 3 CKD can be reversed by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Stage 3 CKD indicates moderate kidney damage. Symptoms may begin to become present in stage 3 like fatigue, fluid retention, shortness of breath, urination changes, kidney pain felt in their back and muscle cramps.
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