Kidney is an important organ of the human body and has the function of producing urine, discharging metabolic waste and toxins, maintaining moisture, electrolyte and acid-base balance and endocrine function. Any damage to kidneys leads to excessive accumulation of waste and various obstacles and imbalances in the body. Nephropathy is often difficult to treat, and easy to relapse, if untreated or inappropriate treatment will gradually develop into renal failure and cause a series of sometimes life-threatening symptoms and complications, very early and appropriate treatment for disease progression slowing, reverse kidney damage and restore function Kidneys.
Actually, a person with Creatinie level 7.5 is more likely to suffer from more complex conditions such as nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, fatigue and so on, due to severe decline of renal function. Since large amounts of toxins and wastes cannot be removed out of the body, most patients are suggested to choose dialysis to prevent their illness from deteriorating. However, in China, in our hospital-Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we do recommend natural Chinese Herbal Medicines to you.
Blood Pollution Therapy is a therapy that combines with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) and western medicines. On the one hand, various advanced blood purification techniques are used to remove wastes and toxins in the body. On the other hand, traditional Chinese medicine remedies are mainly used to improve patients’ self-repairing ability and repair impaired kidney structures.
So in case of 7.5 creatinine level with kidney disease, Blood Pollution Therapy can function to clean the blood, eliminate harmful toxins and wastes, improve blood circulation, repair the impaired kidneys, greatly raise the renal function and regulate the whole immune system.
Besides, on the basis of the treatment, if patients can receive Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the curative effects will be more better!
It is an external application of Chinese herbal medicine that can activate the self-replication of renal functional cells and boost the reconstruction of kidney structure. The active materials in Chinese medicines can block renal fibrosis, dilate arteries at all levels, improve the regeneration and differentiation of renal functional cells. It is good at reducing high creatinine. Compared to western medicines or dialysis, these treatments are more safe, natural and effective!
Specific medicines in the treatments are chosen according to specific illness situation.
Here you can find traditional and up-to-date treatment, Chinese and Western therapy, conservative treatment, and medical trends in the treatment of kidney disease. You can choose the most appropriate treatment based on the specific disease and physical condition, if you are interested in our natural remedies for traditional Chinese medicine, please leave your contact information in time , or add our whatsapp/viber/wechat :008615931093124. Send your correct contact (country code + phone) and your question to us , We can help you improve kidney function recovery and I am Dr. Leo.