27 Mar

There may be a lot of ways to reduce creatinine level, for example, to combine ketosteril and low protein diet, to start dialysis, to take activated carbon, etc. But as long as you stop treatment, your creatinine level increases again. Do you know why? Because those treatment can not regain your kidney function to filter wastes out of the blood. Therefore, the fundamental way to decrease creatinine level is to improve kidney function.

Toxin-Removing Treatment helps you improve kidney function and lower creatinine level.

Toxin-Removing Treatment is one of our characteristic treatment. It is consisted of many kinds of Chinese medicine, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Full Bath, Medicated Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Circle Therapy, Steam Therapy, Moxibustion, etc. From its name, you can guess what it can do for you. It can expel wastes from renal cells and blood to make a clean environment for the damaged kidneys to heal themselves. After about half month’s treatment, your creatinine level will go down at least 10%. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide nidus with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicines to speed up kidney recovery. With the gradually improvement of kidney function, creatinine can be eliminated from the blood, so you will have a good control of it and then you won’t need to worry about its relapse.

Online kidney doctor



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