27 Mar

 During this course, there must be some factors that speed up the progression, such as infections, uncontrolled high blood pressure, etc. Therefore, you should do a series of tests to check out and then take corresponding measures.

The high creatinine level also indicates that blood toxin concentration is high and you should cleanse the polluted blood as early as possible, otherwise it is likely for the polluted blood to affect the function of other body systems so as to threaten your life.

Besides dialysis, you can try Chinese medicine, such as Medicated Foot Bath, Medicated Full Bath, Enema Therapy, Steam Therapy, Circle Therapy, Navel Therapy, etc. They can make use of skin, intestinal tract and kidneys to expel wastes from renal cells and blood. After about half month’s treatment, creatinine level will go down at least 10%. They can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to provide them with enough oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. With the improvement of kidney condition, creatinine will be passed out of the body naturally. And then your creatinine level will be controlled well.

Is there any treatment for creatinine 9.4 without dialysis? Because there are some factors that speed up the progression, I think as long as those factors are eliminated, it is possible for you to avoid dialysis. Online kidney doctor



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